miércoles, julio 11, 2012

Erosion Cycle

The proximity burned you because the intention wasn't authentic.
The prayer was just for the bitterness to not win the passion
But two heads get worse confused than one
and the script wasn't set on winning
and there is no valid argument to change the direction. 
Some things erode with your contact. 
Because when the rise imposes itself the fear of falling continues.
What sentimental nature.  
The carrier skin wears faster than a butterfly's life.
Fear accompanies the things that can't change.
Truth be told there is a part of us that will always remain alone.
And this whole time I've known it and will know it.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

"Truth be told there is a part of us that will always remain alone" Creo que es muy cierto... dolorosa y bellamente cierto. Saludos.

Unknown dijo...

"Truth be told there is a part of us that will always remain alone" Creo que es muy cierto... dolorosa y bellamente cierto. Saludos.